This past week was our anniversary as Alpha Ministries’ “Church in the Woods”. We began our Sunday meetings here at Freedom Ranch in October, 2001 with a small group of dedicated people who were excited about what the Lord was doing to build his church in this place. Thinking back to that time, I’m amazed at all that has happened since then and encouraged about what lies ahead. My confidence doesn’t come from our ability to plan and carry out a vision, but in the daily working of Jesus as he goes about fulfilling his promise to build his church.
I am convinced that those who have gathered with us over the years have not come by chance, but by the sovereign design of God who adds members to the body as he pleases (1 Corinthians 12: 27). Jesus, through his indwelling Spirit, has “fitly joined together” the various members of the Church in the Woods according to the gifts of grace he has given them. Although it may seem to be random chance from a human perspective, each one of you have been chosen by him to be a part of what he is doing to build this church. He is the one who called you out and joined you to this particular body for a particular ministry that only you can complete. Likewise, he gave you a particular gift of grace so that you could love those he has chosen you to relate to as a member of his body.
Paul describes this intricate functioning of the Body of Christ in Ephesians 4: 15, 16 with these words, “But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, make thin crease of the body unto the edifying of itself in love”. As members of the Church in the Woods speak the truth in love we all “grow up into him in all things”. This means that we become more and more like Christ so that we can love others the way he does. As the head of the body, Jesus has “fitly joined together” the various members by establishing the relationships he wants us to have with one another.
In addition to forming the body through the various ways we are related to one another, he goes on to tell us that the body is “compacted” or literally, “held together” by “that which every joint supplies”. The joint is where one member is related to another member of the body such as the elbow joint or knee joint. In the body of Christ, the joint is the relationship of one member to another. The quality of those relationships in the body is what holds the church together and allows it to “make increase” or grow in number. When the relationships are formed in divine love and the “critical event” is practiced the body is built up in love. Not only does Jesus build his church by calling and joining the various members through interpersonal relationships, he also works through his indwelling Spirit in the hearts and minds of the members to develop those relationships in love.
Sometimes the local body of Christ suffers from spiritual arthritis when one member of the body becomes angry with others. When relationships become toxic due to the interpersonal strife prompted by hurt and fueled by hatred, it is necessary to exclude the offensive member(s) for the sake of maintaining unity in the Spirit. While such times are painful they are necessary for the spiritual health of the body as a whole. Such was the case when Paul instructed the Corinthian church to withdraw from the man who had an adulterous affair with his step-mother using grace as an excuse to sin. So also did Peter confront Ananias and his wife with their hypocrisy and lies in the first church at Jerusalem.
Likewise, the Church in the Woods is going through a difficult time in which some of our original members have “departed from the faith” and are seeking to slander this body of Christ and its leadership with false accusations and lies. Instead of speaking the truth in love, their hurt and hatred has led them to speak lies in hypocrisy. Despite numerous attempts to reconcile they have gone so far as to threaten a legal law suit if they are not given $250,000 and demand that Freedom Ranch be listed and sold regardless of the 99 year lease given to Alpha Ministries to build a training center and conduct worship services.
Although this spiritual “arthritis” is painful, it is not fatal. Freedom Ranch was purchased to fulfill a God-given vision for a retreat/ training center so that Alpha Ministries could fulfill its mission to teach individuals and institutions how to apply the gospel of grace to everyday life. It was dedicated to God and belongs to him; and we can count on our God working this out for the good of all who are called and love God.
Over the years we have consistently stressed the need to make loving one another the most important function of the Church in the Woods. I know I sometimes sound like a broken record to myself! But allowing Jesus to use us to love one another in all our different relationships is how he builds his church according to his promise. Now more than ever we need to practice this critical event. When I see what he has been doing over the last decade to build this body, I’m amazed at how he is faithfully fulfilling that promise through his Spirit working in and among us. That gives me hope for the years ahead! Regardless of what we may face in the future, I know Jesus will continue to build his church. Thanks for your willingness to love one another in the Church in the Woods.
On November 23rd John continues:
Excerpt below
As many of you know, this year has been difficult due to the opposition against the
gospel we have endured. Those we counted on as fellow laborers in the gospel have
turned their back on us and seek to discredit me personally and deny the gospel they
once supported. Speaking slanderous lies in hypocrisy they continue to threaten us and
the ministry by whatever means they can. They no longer share the original ministry
vision of Freedom Ranch and Alpha Ministries' "Church in the Woods" and have been
unwilling to fulfill their original commitments. Despite this opposition I am grateful for
the Comforter who not only gives us the boldness to continue, but has opened up new
opportunities and relationships to press on with the ministry.

You’ve likely heard it said “there is a little truth in every lie”. A shrewd liar (if there is
such a thing) will be able to keep track of what they told who and will continue to
support the story with more lies when needed. What I have written in this document is
truth based on documented facts (most of which are emails from John) with a few
comments here and there intended to get those that care about the truth to think.
John can’t show you where I have spoken “slanderous lies in hypocrisy” one time ever.
Go back and read my introduction on page one. I've had many employees over the
years and have discovered the hard way if one will lie to you; they are capable of
whatever else is necessary to continue the deception. Our little 3 inch wrecking bar is
capable of doing more irreversible damage in a few words than we can physically do in
a life time. Once the arrow has departed the bow, it cannot be recalled so we must be
sure of our aim. John, of all people, should recognize Christ and His Words need no
defence.  He is most capable of defending the Gospel against all comers and doesn’t
need our help. I’ve often lamented “we as Christians are our own worst enemies.” I’ve
had more trouble working with self-proclaimed “Christian business men” than I ever
had with the rest of the world.  Whatever I possess is only that, a possession and not
my own. I don’t even have the right to demean myself as I was purchased at the
greatest cost ever paid. “Paid in full” (Tetelestai in the Greek) was stamped on
documents once the debt was settled in biblical times. The same applies to all of the
children of God. That is the Good News of the Gospel.